January 02, 2011

99 4x6 Prints for 99c from Snapfish

Until January 9, Snapfish is offering 99 4"x6" photo prints for 99 cents.**  Shipping is about $5, but it's still a great deal.  I've already gotten 100 prints for free from this site (plus shipping), and was very impressed with the prints.  I got so excited about it that I bought quite a few frames to put them all in!  I also got to fill up my "My Friends Are Prettier Than You" photo album that J gave me a few years ago.

Check it out, I highly recommend this website and their photo quality!

**Use coupon code 2011PENNY at checkout.


Pitching Pencils said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you back!


Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by. Following you back!


Kimberley said...

Great blog! Super cute! Thanks for the follow and I'm following you back!

Hi! I'm Jessica... said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Gladly following you back!