When I was a kid in elementary school, Valentine's Day meant two things: candy and cards. I remember exchanging fun little mini-cards filled with lollipops and chocolates with all my classmates. It was about fun, friendship, and...let's face it...candy!
Now that I'm an adult, Valentine's Day is a lot different. To most, Valentine's Day is about extravagant gifts, roses, jewelry, sexy lingerie, etc. Or, about disappointment when you don't have a special someone to share it with, or if he/she doesn't give you the aforementioned gifts. To me, it's about spending time with that person you care most about. It doesn't even have to be a significant other; I used to love going to see romantic comedies with my best girlfriends on V-Day. Even though I think people tend to put too much emphasis on V-Day, and build it up too much, it is nice to have that day out of the year where you set aside quality time that you spend with someone. Anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's Days...well there aren't many other days that you can actually do that! That is why I'm not as cynical as some about the holiday.
What does Valentine's Day mean to you? What's your favorite thing to give on Valentine's Day?
Image from XKCD.com